Sunday, July 4, 2021

Off to The Cape / Martha's Vineyard

Gonna Go Cycling!

First off Happy Independence Day! 

After years of hella stupid politics, it is my hope on this 4th those leaning right, left and middle might finally come to appreciate what this amazing experiment we call America should mean to us all.

Now for the post! After (seemingly forever) Roadboy is ready to bust out of my Phoenician COVID bubble and return to regular travel.

I'm vaxxed, I've worked hard to remain healthy during the pandemic and I plan to cinch my N95 on tight for a (likely oversold) 4+ hour flight Wednesday from Phoenix to Boston. 

Once there I've set aside three days to go explore Boston before heading off to begin cycling on Cape Cod. In Boston I hope to retrace Paul Revere's ride, visit HH Richardson's Trinity Church, view the John Singer Sargent paintings in Boston's Public Library and spend some time in some of Boston's amazing art museums.

I have high expectations for this cycling adventure. It will be my first trip to Martha's Vineyard and Cape Cod. And, every time I mention my destination, friends glaze over and tell me how much they loved "their trips to the Cape!"

As with all of my biking tours, this one is organized by VBT (Vermont Bike Tours). VBT spoils me. They arrange ground transport, hotels and provide guides and bikes. I just show up prepared to pedal. We'll spend three days touring around Chatham and three days touring around Martha's Vineyard. Cyclng options each day offer routes to cycle between 7 and 60 miles.

So Roadboy's next posts will be from Boston.

Some Housekeeping: 
Blogger is ending its subscription notification service (that tells you whenever I post something new). I'm searching for a workaround for those that would still like notification.

Roadboy's Travels © 2021

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