Saturday, December 4, 2010

What I've Been Up To

 Great Clients = Great Buildings!

As many of you know Roadboy's architectural practice is limited to very specialized projects; specifically architecture for public safety, labs, bio-labs, and architecture for the forensic sciences. This allows us to meet some very amazing, dedicated, wonderful and special people. 

And allows me to Travel!

This week we dedicated another new police facility for the Town of Parker Colorado. The project has been a long time in the works. My tenure with it has spanned three Town Administrators and two Chief's of police. Yet, everyone I've come in contact with has had a passion to build a fine and practical building the Town could be proud of.

I think they did it!

Some photos of the new facility.

Main Entry

Staff Main Street

911 Console

Forensic Examination Garage

Staff Photos

Thanks Parker! Enjoy your wonderful new police station!

All the best from Roadboy!

Roadboy's Travels © 2010