Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Go For The Lemonade

Sunday my normal routine is get up, get ready for church, go to church. 

After church lifelong friends assemble and go to brunch. Usually we talk about what is new with our extended families. Then we trash our local politicians. News flash in AZ trashing politicians is almost too easy; few demonstrate any humanity, almost none suggest any grey matter. 

This sunday was different. First came a knock on my bedroom door. Miss M had missed her alarm and needed a ride to light rail to go to PHX ComicCon where she had a booth.

I said not a problem and we got into the car and drove down the street. 

At the end of our street a kid had set up a lemonade stand. Classic stand. The table with a pitcher of ice, plastic glasses. He was rocking his cardboard sign up and down to get our attention. Miss M informed me  he was there yesterday too.

It was too late to stop, we mushed on to her trolley stop.

She ran off and I turned the car around to head back to church.

As I drove there, I realized that I was hopelessly late for church. 

Yet, it all seemed to be right for some reason. 

I simply retraced my steps and pulled up to a very surprised kid. Who then proceeded to sell me a glass of very good, very cold, lemonade.

I said my prayer for the day. Thank you Lord! Thank you for kids. Thank you for blind optimism. And, of course, thank you for cold lemonade on a hot day.

Roadboy's Travels © 2012